Most likely, you know people who hold vastly differing convictions on various issues. These perspectives may be reflected in some of the books they read, and the books they may recommend to you.
For example, some of my more conservative associates have recommended Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. This epic novel is, in essence, a parable of the pitfalls of socialism and the merits of free enterprise (Rand's family was forced to leave Russia when the Bolsheviks overthrew the government and dismantled her father's successful business). Rand provides a necessary reminder of the importance of personal responsibility. She has created a vivid portrait of socialism's dystopian potential.
Having read Rand's novel, you may become convinced (as some people are) that the government is more a source of problems than of solutions, that if only government would get out of the way and let people (particularly, business people) go about their business unimpeded by unnecessary regulation, then all would be well. For an alternate perspective on the merits of unregulated free enterprise, I would suggest reading Upton Sinclair's novel, The Jungle. Sinclair tells the story of an immigrant family that finds itself caught up in the de-humanizing world of the early twentieth century Chicago meat packing industry (if you are at all inclined to become a vegetarian, this book may convince you). Just as Rand's novel provides a warning against neglecting personal responsibility, Sinclair's novel is a vivid portrayal of the evils of unmitigated greed.
It is not my place, or desire to tell you how to think, or to suggest which author's vision of reality (and suggested alternative) is more compelling. I will, however, exhort you to read thought-compelling books that reflect alternate perspectives as a way of fostering empathy and critical thinking.
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